《当代中国人口与发展(英文)》(China Population and Development Studies,CPDS)杂志2017年创刊,由国家卫生健康委员会主管、中国人口与发展研究中心主办,为中国人口学会英文会刊。杂志重点刊载中国人口与发展领域的原创论文、政策评论、研究报告、研究综述以及中外人口比较等最新综合研究成果,内容涵盖人口理论、人口统计、人口和卫生计生政策、人口与社会、人口与经济、人口与资源环境、人口与健康,以及流动人口、贫困人口、女性人口、老年人口、就业问题、中外人口比较等。杂志拟在2022推出一期以亚洲第二次人口转变为议题的专刊。具体信息:
Guest Editors: Baochang Gu, Ron Lesthaeghe and Stuart Gietel-Basten
Deadline: 1 February 2022
China Population and Development Studies (CPDS), a scholarly peer-reviewed international journal which examines a broad range of topics related to population and development, announces a call for papers for a special issue that will address the second demographic transition in Asia.
The concept of second demographic transition (SDT), which was initially coined to explain the demographic situation in European countries after the completion of the first demographic transition (FDT) in the 1960s, has received increasing attention recently among the Asian scholars in an attempt to examine the population changes occurred in many of the Asian populations in the 21st century in particular along with the socioeconomic development and the below-replacement fertility.
In this special issue, we are looking for papers on the theme of Second Demographic Transition in Asia. The papers can be theoretical, commentary or empirical contributions; full length or short descriptive. We would like to invite the papers to discuss how and how much the demographic situation in Asia can be examined from the SDT perspectives, and what are similar or different between Asia and Europe with regard to the evolution of the population changes in terms of SDT. Papers with particular concerns and relevance on China would be a plus. Comparative study across populations, or between Asia and Europe, would be encouraged when possible. The paper can be focused on certain features of SDT such as cohabitation, extramarital fertility, childlessness, abortion and contraception, postponement and recuperation, divorce and remarriage, gender relation, etc. or as case studies for a particular population or a region.
We encourage you to consider submitting a 300-word abstract proposal (with some preliminary results) to CPDS2017@163.com before 1 February 2022. We aim to complete the first round of peer-review process within 8 weeks of submission. All submissions will undergo an initial screening, and manuscripts that pass this stage will be sent out for external peer-review. The deadline for full paper submission is 30 May 2022.
The special issue is scheduled for publication in September 2022.
All manuscripts should follow the journal submission guidelines which are available on: