The Second Asian Population Forum Calls for Submissions

创建时间:  2019-06-06  张羽   浏览次数:   返回

The Second Asian Population Forum Calls for Submissions

Dates: Oct. 11-12, 2019, Shanghai, China

Host: Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI), Shanghai University


Building on the success of hosting the first Asian Population Forum in 2016 and the Fourth Conference of Asian Population Association (APA) in 2018, the Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI) at Shanghai University, in collaboration with Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis, is organizing the second Asian Population Forum on October 11-12 of 2019, in Shanghai, China.


The Asian Population Forum is one of the main platforms of the Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis to exchange research ideas and experiences of its collaborating institutes in comparative analysis of population dynamics across Asia. The Asian MetaCentre was established in 2000 as a regional center of excellence in population research. In collaboration with the Asia Metacentre's principal investigators at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), National University of Singapore, and Chulalongkorn University, ADRI has served as the headquarters of the Asian MetaCentre since 2016. At the first Asian Population Forum, directors and principal investigators of member institutes of the Asian MetaCentre jointly defined directions and the most important research areas for collaborative studies under the framework of Asian MetaCentre. Accordingly, ADRI organized a series of research and training workshops and summer schools to foster collaborative and comparative analysis on the topics including subnational population and human capital projection, comparative analysis of internal migration, socioecological consequences of international migration. 


The main purpose of the second Asian Population Forum is to get together collaborators from the collaborating institutes of the Asian MetaCentre to present research findings and progress reports of the major research themes defined at the first Asian Population Forum. The sessions cover but are not limited to the following topics:

  1. Methods and Issues in developing sub-national population and human capital models

  2. Application of demographic dynamics and human capital models in development (e.g., in education, health, and labor force sectors)

  3. Demographic change and economic growth 

  4. Population vulnerability and reliance to environmental and climate change   

  5. Sociodemographic pathways for developing environmental and climate change scenarios

  6. Migration and environmental and climate changes

  7. Patterns and trends of internal migration and urbanization in the countries of Asia

  8. International comparisons of internal migration and urbanization in Asian countries

  9. Patterns and trends of international migration in Asia

  10. Migration estimation methods

  11. Priorities for international migration research in Asia - papers presented in this session will be part of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the Knowledge Base for Policy


The deadline for submitting abstracts or full papers is July 15 of 2019. Limited financial support is available on a competition basis. Participants as observers are also welcome.


Please apply through:


Contact: Yu Zhang,

Tel: 00 86 21 6613 2080

Address: No. 99 Shangda Road, Shanghai, China

上一条: Tanning Workshop 2: R for Demography and IUSSP Workshop on Estimating Migration with R

下一条: Training Workshop 1: Methods and Models for Spatial Analysis on Population and Climate Change

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