
创建时间:  2021-06-07  闵悦   浏览次数:   返回

美国人口学会2021年会于5月5日至8日在线上召开。亚洲人口研究中心教授蒋耒文,Guillaume Marois,Emerson Baptisa和博士研究生李雪婷参加了本次年会。具体参加信息如下:

Program Number: 105-3

Spatial Analysis of Social Vulnerability to Environmental Risks: A Study for China Prefectures in 2000 and 2010

E. Baptista, Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI); L. Jiang, Asian Demographic Research Institute; X. Li, Asian Demographic Research Institute.

Program Number: 159-1

The Importance of Reclassification to Understanding Urban Growth: A Demographic Decomposition of the United States, 1990–2010

B. O'Neill, University of Denver; B. Jones, CUNY Institute for Demographic Research; D. Balk, CUNY Institute for Demographic Research; L. Jiang, Population Council and Shanghai University.

Program Number: P2-75

How COVID-19 May Affect Population Distributions Across the U.S. States?

H. Zoraghein, University of Denver; L. Jiang, Population Council and Shanghai University.

Program Number: 102-2

How Can Migration, Workforce Participation, and Education Balance the Cost of Aging in Europe?

A. Belanger, Institut national de la recherche scientifique; G. Marois, Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University; W. Lutz, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

Program Number: P7-15

Projecting Health Trajectories in Europe Using Microsimulation

A. Aktas, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); G. Marois, Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University.

Program Number: P7-2

Spatial Analysis of Cardiovascular Mortality and Associated Factors Around the World

B. Queiroz, CEDEPLAR; E. Baptista, Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI).

上一条:Fatima Tehreem文章《主要排放国家的可再生及不可再生能源消费、贸易和碳排放与收入水平的关系》入选ESI热点论文

下一条:线上研讨会 “What Demographers Tell Us about the COVID-19 Pandemic(人口学在COVID-19相关研究中的运用)成功举办

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