Guillaume Marois

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Guillaume Marois 副教授

Guillaume Marois是亚洲人口研究中心人力资本和发展研究组的副教授,在加入中心之前,他在国际应用系统分析研究所从事了三年的研究工作并开发出了一个微观模拟模型,该模型可以从多个维度预测欧洲国家的人口,包括教育、劳动参与率、 就业、语言、出生地和健康状况等。 他于 2014 年在加拿大国家科学研究所完成了人口学博士学位,并在蒙特利尔大学获得了人口学硕士学位。 2014-2016年在蒙特利尔大学城市化研究所从事博士后研究。他的主要研究兴趣包括人口预测、微观模拟、人力资本、劳动力参与、移民和内部流动。  ▶查看简历


2015 – 2016 Post-doctorate, University of Montreal, School of Planning and Landscape Architecture

2010 – 2014 Ph.D. Demography, National Institute of Scientific Research

2006 – 2009 M.Sc. Demography, University of Montreal

2003 – 2006 B.Sc. Demography-Geography, University of Montreal


2019 - Distinguished (associate) professor, Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University (China)

2016 - 2019 Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Vienna)

2014 – 2015 Research Officer, University of Montreal, School of Planning and Landscape Architecture

2015 Research Officer, National Institute of Scientific Research (Montreal, Canada)

2011 – 2014 Doctoral Trainee, National Institute of Scientific Research (Montreal, Canada)

2011 – 2012 Analyst, Quebec Statistical Institute (Montreal, Canada)

2008 – 2011 Research Officer, Quebec Statistical Institute (Montreal, Canada)

2008 Trainee, Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities (Montreal, Canada)

2007 Trainee, Quebec Statistical Institute (Quebec, Canada)

2004 -2007 Research Assistant, University of Montreal, Department of demography


Dimitrova, Asya, Guillaume Marois, Gregor Kiesewetter, Samir KC, Peter Rafaj, and Cathryn Tonne (In Press). “Health impacts of fine particles under climate change mitigation, air quality control, and demographic change in India”,Environmental Research Letters.

Goujon, Anne, Guillaume Marois, and Patrick Sabourin (In Press). “Deriving Niger’s Demographic and Education Future to 2062 with Stakeholders: Which Results?”,Population Research and Policy Review.

Marois, Guillaume and Arda Akta (2021). “Projecting health-ageing trajectories in Europe using a dynamic microsimulation model”,Nature - Scientific Reports, 11(1).

Marois, Guillaume, Raya Muttarak, and Sergei Scherbov (2020). “Assessing the potential impact of COVID-19 on life expectancy”,PLoS One, 15(9).

Marois, Guillaume, Alain Bélanger, and Wolfgang Lutz (2020). “Population aging, migration, and productivity in Europe”,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(14) 7690-7695.

Tellier, Luc-Normand and Guillaume Marois (2020). ”The “Invasion Peril” in Light of the Topodynamic Theory, and Some Recent Statistics”, In Kourtit, K. et al. (eds.)The Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 15-32.

Marois, Guillaume and Michaela Potancokova (2020).Scenarios of labour force participation and employment integration of immigrants in the EU: demographic perspective, Publications Office of the European Union, Ispra, JRC118865, 30 p.

Potančoková, Michaela, Guillaume Marois (2020). “Projecting the future births in the EU28 with fertility differentials reflecting women's educational and migrant characteristics”,Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 18, 1-26.

Marois, Guillaume, Patrick Sabourin, and Alain Bélanger (2020). “Implementing dynamics of immigration integration in labour force participation projection in EU28”, Population Research and Policy Review, 39(2), 339–363.

Marois, Guillaume, Patrick Sabourin, and Alain Bélanger (2019). "Forecasting Human Capital of EU Member Countries Accounting for Sociocultural Determinants”, Journal of Demographic Economics, 85(3), 231-269.


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